You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2009.

NCAA Tourney Expands to 4,096

As someone who is generally baffled by March Madness, I can’t say that I endorse this decision to add six additional rounds of bracket competition. On the other hand, it would afford me the chance to compete as a small forward on the Beverly Hills Roxbury Park pickup squad.

The Chronicles of Skystrider


Once upon a time, I participated in an MMORPG called Dark Age of Camelot.

My character was a precocious half-elf champion with the unlikely name of Skystrider Antilles. He, and other Mep House avatars vigilantly defended the lands of Hibernia.

But that is a tale for another time. Today I want to share an old piece of short fiction that stemmed from DAOC lore and my frustrations with ISP provider, SBC Yahoo!

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Ewing Fantasy Ad

If this were the real world, Ewing would try to pull up on this 5’6″ dude and brick a 15-foot jump shot.

And yes, they needed special effects to portray him dunking. The man can barely jog. Those kneepads are every day attire now.

Obamanable Art


Some hideous but enjoyable creations are to be found at this obviously named website.

The Evolution of Copyright Law

Here’s an incredibly important presentation that took place at the New York Public Library. This particular excerpt features internet champion, Lawrence Lessig talking about YouTube’s influence on the sharing of media.

The full program can be found here.

Pentagon to Fund Death Blimp


This new venture by the Pentagon should be filed in the “wasn’t this a terrible idea 60 years ago?” bin.

As pleasing as the idea of Orwellian surveillance blimps are, I just can’t imagine there won’t be some absurdly cheap way to thwart them. Like an industrial-sized dartgun that can reach 70,000 ft.

To quote Wallace Shawn, Hey DARPA, why don’t you give me half the money you were going to spend, we’ll go outside, I’ll kick you in the nuts, and we’ll call it a day!

Re-Enacting Fight Club with the Mentally Disabled

superretardactually encouraged patients to fight each other for the sheer pleasure of the staff goaders. Of course, anyone who actually absorbed Fight Club would know that fighting was just an outlet for post-modern male blue-collar angst and should not be the object of violence fetishists.

Oh My Holy Gods…. ChessBoxing!

Why haven’t you told me that this exists? I demand to know now. This is clearly my destiny — to be the greatest Chess Fighter in the world. The only way to start is to hire a Thai Guru that makes me kick a palm tree until my shins bleed, then demands a recitation of Sicilian variations.

Someone needs to establish a US league, and pronto.

That’s some A+ production value for a random Swede-like Euro creation. I am ever increasingly impressed with this.

Great VCR Hack

Here’s how to turn that old piece of electronics into something really useful. But don’t forget to use marshmallows! I cannot stress this enough.

The Periodic Table of Typefaces


This pleases me greatly. Thank you random web-designer homepage spawn point.

Link to larger view.