You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2009.

Chuck Norris Doesn’t Make Sense, He Murders Sense


Wow, who ever thought that Walker, Texas Ranger would turn out to be a right wing nutjob? Everybody thought that? Oh…

Well fun readings in a recent editorial of his are to be had, anyway. My favorite part is where he alleges that the separation between Church and State doesn’t exist. Awesome!

What Tellers Aren’t Telling: How the US Bailout Supports Crime


Yet another reason why the TARP bailout packages failed the American public… Explained in a recent article I wrote for Scenario Magazine.

“Banksters, Enronites, Ponzi schemers, pin striped pimps! Public rage against bankers and the banking industry has never been stronger since the recent economic meltdown. Raping our IRAs, forcing us all into poverty, and foreclosing on the middle class seems to be the bankers’ business plan. People would really blow up if they realized that there is still another category of ongoing financial crimes that is flying completely under the radar. Just like all the others, this type of financial crime is firmly entrenched in the banking community and is part of the Business as Usual mentality. The forgotten outrage? Money Laundering.

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Do you see what I see or do I just have a sick mind?

For those of you who are good parents and don’t let your child(ren) watch t.v. or who have no child(ren) and therefore you don’t watch kids shows, then you may not know that Sesame Street knows where it’s at. They know that adults are also watching and therefore plan accordingly. They have Hollywood and sports stars do cameos. Elmo tosses in little jokes and puns that only an adult would understand.

Many other shows, on the other hand, do not, and this makes for either annoying or embarrassingly funny moments. Hence, this post thanks to the show “My Friend Rabbit” that our Tivo recorded thinking we might like it and that I watched, then deleted before showing Senavene because it’s retarded and stupid. But before deleting it, I made you a little edited clip. I hope you enjoy. Whether you see what I see and giggle your *&$% off…or you don’t see what I see and enjoy the educational cartoon…either way…enjoy. Please note, that if you are one of those that sees what I see, I highly recommend watching it again and again, each time catching more little silly moments fitting the theme.

Our Genes are Not Our Fate

Author and preventative medicine guru, Dr. Dean Ornish explains that our lifestyle affects our health for better or worse far more than our individual gene expression.

So if you kids out there want to live to 400, like your buddy Laserfalcon, you’d better start smoking the ganja and drinking in moderation.

Dr. Homer Manhattan


Via cartoonist Dan Meth’s website.

I wish I could be more excited about the Watchmen debut this weekend. Unfortunately, I saw the movie 300, the only movie of note in director Zach Snyder’s repertoire. And 300 was a steaming pile of mastodon dung.

So, yeah… I won’t be standing in line this weekend. But I’m open to being happily surprised when it hits HBO.

Economist Calls for Legalization


It’s a Brave New World out there. Legalization debates have gone from the fringe of freak counterculture circles, to the front page of the most revered conservative economic magazine in Europe.

While it’s encouraging that the mainstream public (or at least the internet public) is starting to rationally discuss possible endings for the half-century debacle known as the War on Drugs, I don’t believe we’ll see any substantial changes from the Obama team.

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Jesus Quintana Unplugged


Here’s a fascinating (and long) interview piece with prolific character actor, John Turturo. He talks about his preparations for the Lebowski role six to eight minutes into the piece.

How to Destroy Your Friend’s Dreams…

The best pranks are usually too cruel for words. This one, put on by the CollegeHumor crew, is definitely up there. Not only is the subject convinced that his life is about to change forever, but he gets to be humiliated in front of a crowd of 15,000. Pretty epic.

Obama Holds Closed Door Meeting With Cheney


Fun times via this Japanese toy website. (Thanks Nev)


YouTube Attacks Its Emu Daddy (Again)


Well, they did it again. YouTube has allowed another copyright attack on another genius Mep video.

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