This is Debate?

Here is the esteemed Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, repeatedly failing to use the English language in her Gubernatorial Debate opening statement. Arizona seems to be well on its way to surpassing California in the stupefyingly incompetent elected official category.

On the other hand, I am somewhat mollified by her assurance that she has done the best possible job of any conceivable theoretical candidate.

One Response to “This is Debate?”

  1. She will continue to do her best for the people of Arizona because she knows what is good and right and she knows what is bad and wrong. And with God on her side she will fight against the socialist programs of Obama and Pelosi and lead Arizona into the future. Because the people of Arizona want a Governor who represents them and will speak for them as well as speak against the tax and spend programs. We will take our country back from those who want a welfare state where people will be handed everything for free and the hard working people who pay the taxes will get nothing. Well, we must lower the taxes for working Americans and make the lazy people work for a change. Repeal Obamacare, send the Mexicans back, drill baby drill, and marriage is between one man and one woman like the Bible says.