The (Nexus) Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Yesterday, our Digital Overlords (Google Corp) released a new “superphone” that may change life on this planet as we know it…

As reported in TechCrunch, unlike its peers and predecessors, the Nexus One phone will not be plastered all over the media landscape. No one will have to compose a melodic ditty to make the Nexus One seem approachable and familiar. No one will hire John Hodgman to personally mobilize the techno-geek demographic. No one will film silhouettes of dancing hipsters who have found a preternatural groove thanks to the hot new electronic device clipped to their belts.

No, Google, the ‘do no harm’ corporation is sparing us the deluge. They just want to let us know that they have a new product, and that it’s pretty cool. So they’ll link a Nexus One tutorial to your YouTube page. They’ll gently point you toward a demo video on Engadget. But they’re not going to beat you over the head with the thing in the same way that their esteemed tree-fruit competitor might.

And whether they are aware of it or not, the geek masses are thankful for this.

While the phone itself promises little more than an incremental advance from smartphones already in the marketplace, the true innovation of Google’s Nexus One, is that it could be the first Big Market Gizmo not forcibly jammed down your throat by the mass media.

Say g’night, Billy…

One Response to “The (Nexus) Revolution Will Not Be Televised”

  1. Saw your blog bookmarked on Digg.