Nader Slams Obama

We seem to be on a nice run of left of center commentators calling Obama to task on his various shortcomings. Why stop now?

5 Responses to “Nader Slams Obama”

  1. Greg says:

    Beyond the fact that Nader (or more accurately his ego, which is now so large it has its own identity, popularly called “Ralphie”) left behind political and moral relevance nine years ago, he and progressives could learn some serious lessons from this:

    Should be required reading for everyone who wants Obama to have saved the world yesterday.

  2. I don’t want Obama to have saved the world yesterday, because I’m well aware he has no intention of saving the world. But I still somehow felt targeted by Greg’s comment above.

    Having read the rant linked, I have to agree. Obama’s base is not progressive liberals at all, which is the real underlying point of the article. Obama’s base is an amalgam of moderates and people who hated Bush too much to care what alternative they voted for.

    Progressive liberals are expressing frustration at being left totally out of the discussion of American politics, cast off as “impractical” for believing the US should be fighting fewer than 3 intractable wars at a time.

    The real question is will they actually rally behind another figure, or just give in to the same tired moderate Dems who have been taking them for granted for ages?

  3. Greg says:

    I wasn’t intending to target Storey with this, though he and I do disagree pretty strongly on Obama. But as usual, I feel constrained to point out that this is such a radical oversimplification of both the article and Obama (“the same tired moderate Dem”? Seriously?) that I’m not even sure where to begin. I’ll just say that if progressives want to rally behind figures like Ralph Nader, they’ll enjoy lots more years of railing (and rallying!) without result.

  4. Regarding Nader’s comment about the Nobel prize — I read that sardines are good for you.