Bush to Chiriac: “I am the Fourth Horseman”


A genuinely frightening story from the Council for Secular Humanism, revealed that in several meetings with high level foreign officials, “Governor Bush,” revealed that the Iraq invasion was part of a fulfillment of the biblical apocalypse and that,

“This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use the conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”

Chiriac also recounts Bush’s reference to the biblical characters “Gog and Magog,” and interpreting virtually every foreign policy problem as an opportunity to recreate the environs of the New Testament.

Though we did manage to survive that administration, the implications of that anecdote should frighten us on a daily basis. The truth is, we have a rather large segment of the population in this country (with some serious political clout) who genuinely hope for the apocalypse on a daily basis. Only a fiery end to civilization can justify the mental energy that they have invested into propping up the BoogeyMan and his BoogeyMinions.

These evangelicals don’t even have the courtesy to re-enact their fairytales on an individual basis. That is to say, it isn’t satisfying enough for evangelicals to play personal Armageddon and remove themselves from the gene pool. They seem to want every American to be cast in their deluded theater piece. They are highly devoted method actors determined to evoke a historically tragic Act III for all of us.

And they all vote.

One Response to “Bush to Chiriac: “I am the Fourth Horseman””

  1. PHYLLIS says: