Naked Cowboy Running for NYC Mayor

Human tourist-attraction the Naked Cowboy has decided to throw his hat (one of a paltry few articles of clothing) into the ring for Manhattan’s next mayoral election.

I would love to provide some witty commentary here about how this represents the many-tiered social apocalypse awaiting us all. But frankly, this has been done. I have no means of distinguishing this dude from the Governator, or “The Body.” I’m still shocked that Carl Weathers never captured political office…

One Response to “Naked Cowboy Running for NYC Mayor”

  1. I can see that the Naked Cowboy has the firm support that he needs. New York wants a mayor who is not afraid to put his butt on the line. He’s a man who has walked in the boots of the common man with a song on his lips, the summer sun on his neck, and his guitar ready for action. May God bless the Naked Cowboy, the City of New York, and the land of the free.