Crack: The Do It Yourself Drug


Originally posted at The Fresh Scent

Spending long hours traveling back and forth to your local lab? Tired of lining up huge networks of hydroponics to get the grow houses running? Then, drop all that effort-intensive work and try some crack today! All you need to start is a microwave oven. It’s the easy, breezy way to create your very own illegal narcotics.

According to the TCPalm, Javaris Kirk, of Fort Pierce, Florida, was arrested last week after allegedly admitting to making crack-cocaine with his microwave oven. Mr. Kirk later admitted that he was a convicted felon and, as such, felt a special bond with Martha Stewart.

Authorities searching his home also found five ecstasy tablets in his bathroom, a 9mm pistol with no serial, and a homemade tea cozy crafted out of extra table cloth.

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