The Force is Strong With This One

300px-garykurtz has a newly released interview with Gary Kurtz, the director of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

Given the rising tide of fanboyo-fueled rage against the recent works of George Lucas, Kurtz is finally being recognized as one of primary forces behind the quality of the Holy Trilogy.

As it turns out, if old George hadn’t been steering the ship for Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader may have convinced Luke to rule the Empire alongside him. Also, Lando would have (rightfully) perished in the Death Star explosion, and the Ewoks would have all contracted forest ticks and be systematically exterminated by their rebel friends.

Oh well. At least we’ve got Kurtz’s new indie project, ‘77, to look forward to. May the Force be with him.

One Response to “The Force is Strong With This One”

  1. helas says:

    You say Kurtz was “the director of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back” …huh? That was Lucas and Kirshner, respectively. I think you meant ‘producer’, not ‘director’. Kurtz IS da man, though.