Maniacal British Bobbies Waterboard Pot Smugglers


In the “Countries That Shouldn’t Emulate America” category, comes the tale of six of London’s finest metro police. After apprehending a couple suspects who were carrying a large weed shipment, the officers decided to seize the property of the suspects, and give them the old Dick Cheney workover for good measure.

According to Britain’s Telegraph UK this is one of the most egregious police corruption scandals in the city department’s history. Apparently the officers, who included a detective sergeant, seized several flat-screen TVs, computers, and other electronics from the drug suspects. They then proceeded to repeatedly dunk the men’s respective heads in buckets of water, presumably to find out where they were hiding their Xbox 360.

Few of the specifics are being released due to an extensive corruption investigation. Obviously the city dropped the charges against the torturees, as it tries to smooth over this embarrassment. Though the details released were unusually grizzly for this sort of case, the corruption of law enforcement by drug money is an old and reliable standard.

Perhaps this is why President Obama declined to release bonus photos of the Abu Gharib victims. He didn’t want to give our War on Terror partner nations any bright ideas.

Originally posted on The Fresh Scent

One Response to “Maniacal British Bobbies Waterboard Pot Smugglers”

  1. Erik says:

    As in all cases, the waterboarding was for your protection and theirs.