You are currently browsing the archives for the Sports category.

Odell Breaks the Internet


Odell Beckham Jr, son of a track star and a football player, broke the internet tonight by making a physics-defying catch in the Giants-Cowboys Sunday Night NFL game. The fine-pointed concentration and preternatural feel it takes to complete the following action is Bruce Lee-like. It’s what legends are made of. And this kid is a rookie.

I like to watch this GIF with the John Williams Pandora channel running in the background for maximum epic-ness.

Twitter Pitcher

If you haven’t caught on – Rangers pitcher CJ Wilson is set to dominate not only the AL West, but the Twitterverse, as well.

Baseball Chicanery

Call me crazy, but there is something about the leisurely pace of baseball that lends itself to a profound level of goofiness. Yet another reason why it is the finest sport ever invented.

It’s Called Defense

To the best NBA analyst on the planet, go the spoils of Cool & Dre.

Cinderella Story

Kudos to Bill Murray who just won his first official Pro-Am golf tournament this weekend. Does it matter? You tell us, Bill.

Putt of the Gods

Ok, things here have been a bit dark lately, I’ll grant you that. But good omens are to be found on the internets as well. I bring to you now, the GREATEST MINI-GOLF PUTT IN THE HISTORY OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD. Prepare for pandemonium.

Best. Photo. Ever.


Admittedly, my non-Celtic fan Mep friends may disagree…but this picture, taken right after Paul Pierce’s game winning shot against the resurgent but still not rival New York Knicks, is priceless.  (Not pictured: Nate Robinson almost killing himself jumping over Pierce, and Spike Lee almost killing himself in an apoplectic fury off camera as Kevin Garnett bows to him.  Who says civility is dead?)

He’s Two of a Kind

Did anyone else know that Rex Ryan, the outspoken, self-effacing, boisterous, former defensive-coordinator now coach of the Jets has an outspoken, self-effacing, boisterous, twin brother, Rob Ryan, who is the defensive coordinator for Cleveland?

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Fight the Power for Profit

Apparently the 1968 gold medalist, Tommie Smith, is selling his 1968 gold medal which he protested as pictured above.

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Indy Film Packs Quite a Punch

It’s been a tough few months for me personally (hence my distance from the land of the Emu), but there is catharsis to be found in this film, written and directed by Mep fan and friend Pete Lee:

This Close or This Far from Peter Lee on Vimeo.

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