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Annihilating Pascal’s Wager

I don’t have any problem with making a choice to believe in God. That is your own business. However, if you’re a Pascal’s Wagerer who believes in God because it’s some sort of theological safety net, you are participating in some serious ontological laziness. It seems fitting then, that I’m about to provide you with an internet video that will simply and eloquently rend that safety net into bits. That’ll teach you to forgo thinking for yourself.

Wake Up

The following piece features the voices of Joe Rogan, Bill Hicks, and the Bizarro Reagans. In posting this, I do not wish to convey that drugs are necessary to transcending the narrowness of your daily perceptions. They can help, if used properly. The real point is that it is your responsibility as a human to remain curious, to absorb more of the world than your traditional senses can impart, to access deeper parts of yourself. And, for the love of everything, you need to start doing this now.

Grok the Void

Here’s some needed Monday fare. It’s an Alan Watts lecture snippet about nothingness. I’ve read a fair amount of Watts since college, and I find him to be the most effective philosopher at temporarily separating the reader from his or her daily routine, and allowing for some metaphysical reflection. Of course, just as nothingness exists in balance with existence, Alan Watts readings should exist in balance with more concrete studies, applicable to the real world. But, for a rainy, Christmas Angst-filled, consumerist Monday, a little Wattsian etherealism may be in order.

Religion – The Bad Parent

One of my favorite YouTube pages, TheraminTrees, recently released an addendum video to its series on Transactional Analysis. Here, the narrator is presenting the psychological basis for religious fundamentalism, and much of it comes from an implanted desire to chastise, scold, and belittle others.

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Dude, I Am You

Decided to pair up this image I came across recently, with the following video. If you don’t get goosebumps from either or both, you should probably go off your prescription meds for a little while.

Kudos to Berto, on the video catch.

Flintstones Vitamins Placed in Birthday Cakes Nationwide (Mep Report #122)

Lecturing Prison Gangs, Michael Richards Riot Redux, Fantasy Theater of the Abhorrent, Know Your Audience, Don’t Celebrate Mediocrity; Celebrate the Jersey Shore, Malnourished Pet Superheroes, And the Legend of Ten Fists and the Lost Soul Fragments.

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The Problem with ‘Absolute Morality’

I anticipate a lack of consensus on this point amongst the Meppers, but I think Richard Dawkins gives us a worthy starting point here in responding to a hackneyed argument against Atheism, that it cannot truly uphold morality.

Koyaanisqatsi by King Crimson

This is one of those serendipitous finds that is a little bit too Meppy for coincidence’s sake. Here we have footage from Mep favorite Koyaanisqatsi set to music from progressive rock band, King Crimson, which just happens to be one of the major influences of The Road.

Howdy Doody Plays God

This — this is something special. Not only does it rate very highly on the internet scale of bizarro, it also taps into some interesting mythological imagery. My favorite aspect is that the Godhead/dummy keeps looking back to the nun ventriloquist to make sure that he’s not stepping out of line with his incomprehensible advice dispensing.

Say ‘Hebbo’ to Tarvuism

Tarvuism is the newest life-solving, octopus befriending, super-power unleashing belief system on the block. Needless to say, I will be looking into their Octopus-Intensive Weekend Retreat as soon as possible. And also am wondering about any potential affiliation with the Ramtha School or Enlightenment or the Pastafarians. All three groups seem to have an affinity for tentacles.