You are currently browsing the archives for the Pop Culture Ephemera category.

If Zelda Were a Hipster Music Video…

That vaguely sounded like something out of a Peter Cetera entry on the Karate Kid Soundtrack, it would look like this:

Everything Fascinates Spock



A remix of the classic Fatboy Slim music video that is arguably better than the original.

Hobbes as Tyler Durden

Pretty great mashup here, even if you’re not the Sunday comic reading-type.

Star Wars Episode III – The Obituaring

Only five years or so late, RedLetterMedia has finally released its critique of the final installment of the Star Wars prequels. And it was actually worth the wait.

The World is Fake (Mep Report #124)

Greg Gets a Mortgage (and Becomes an Adult), Russ Gets a Bear (and Becomes a Psychic), Storey Gets a Twin (and Becomes a Skeptic), Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel Destroy Society One Video Game at a Time, The Meppers Get Immersed, and Everything is Awesome In Sloooooowwww-Moooooo.

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Captain Picard Loves the Internet

Though it isn’t quite a tricorder, Patrick Stewart’s life is now dependent on his iPhone. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get a block of cheese from the replicator.

Japan Diving

You may not know this, but there is only one diving pool in the entire country of Japan. At least they use it efficiently.

Paul is Dead?

I really don’t know how I missed out on the whole Paul is Dead, urban legend. But this piece sums it up rather nicely.

Markets of Britain

On my Virign America jaunt over to the right coast, I spent some time watching the recently defunct BoingBoing Video channel. Came across an interview with Peter Serafinowicz, co-creator of Tarvu, and this inspired short: