You are currently browsing the archives for the Economy/Finance category.

There’s Oil in Them Thar Waters!

Anyone feelin’ the post Black-Friday blues can follow me on down to the Gulf of Mexico. The land is so rich thar’ that you kin pull black gold out of the sea with yer own two hands! It’s 1849 all over again, except wetter. Weez all gonna be rich! Yeeeeee haw!

The Spirit of Enterprise

While our nutty country is forgetting its troubles with some good old capitalist ecstasy, let’s take a moment and remember some of the core ‘values’ that brought us to our current desperate station…

How to Scare the Bejesus Out of the American Voter

This ad was run a few weeks ago by a non-profit called Citizens Against Government Waste.

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John Boehner’s Tears Smell of Cantaloupe

Those of us who live in the phony-baloney, ocean-adjacent America know little of John Boehner. Of course, we’ve heard the tales of his 27-hour workdays whittling American Jobs out of plain fir wood in his Ohio-based Opportunity Laboratory. We’ve heard of his quest to bio-engineer a giant human ear that is to be staked to his chest cavity so he may finally Listen to America in the way that we never could. And perhaps, it is because of our inferior listening skills that we’ve never before heard his suffering.

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The Death of the Liberal Class

Here’s Pullitzer Prize winner, Chris Hedges talking about his recently released book, titled above.

So You Want to Go to Law School

An absolutely masterful use of xtranormal, a website that allows you to make crudely animated videos with built in settings and robotic VO…

How Corporate America Faked a Grassroots Revolution

As I’ve said before, the Tea Party is largely a Corporatist attempt to harness and steer the sort of populist rage movements that crop up during times of severe recession. It is being steered away from blaming banking cartels and Wall Street for its woes (primarily by Fox News and friends) and steered towards protesting government regulation. As such it is nothing more than a pitchfork-wielding arm of the Corporate Lobbyists..

And frankly, the Dems and more traditional Republicans are both solidly on that team as well, if in a less screamy fashion.

The Simpsons Intro to End All Simpsons Intros

This piece isn’t as fresh as I’m accustomed to posting, but it caught my eye today. It’s a jarring look into the third world consequences of something as innocuous-seeming as animation. The sequence is purportedly inspired by the street activist/artist, Banksy.

The Myth of Prosperity

Necessary lecture by economist Tim Jackson.

Peace is the New Frontier

The following video by YouTube user, FallingWhistles, is exemplary. It is informative, viscerally affects the viewer, and carries a message unheralded by the mainstream media.

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