Seeking Baseball Fanatics

In Mep land, the post-Superbowl week is heralded not for parades and fanfare and All-American splendor. It is, instead, the highly anticipated (if unofficial) start of the baseball season.

And while baseball reality is certainly exciting what with the three Mep favorites (M’s, Sox, and Yanks) all poised to be major contenders this year, baseball fantasy is also right around the corner.

Playing fantasy baseball has been a personal tradition for over 18 years. Once the internet streamlined the process of updating statistics and standing, it became a not-too-minor obsession.

For the first time this year, I’m extending an open invitation to any Mep readers who feel up to snuff, to join our traditional fantasy baseball league. I warn you, the field is stocked with highly competitive, trash-talking, walking baseball encyclopedias. I implore you to not accept this invitation lightly. But, if you do want to test your mettle against some of the finest baseball minds in the blogosphere, feel free to e-mail me personally (, and I will send you the league name and password.

We play a Yahoo! hosted, 20-ish team, very deep league, with a straight up fantasy draft (as opposed to a roto-style player auction). See you out there.

One Response to “Seeking Baseball Fanatics”

  1. […] Stay tuned for a Yahoo! pool wherein we invite all Mep fans, a la the Fantasy Baseball league… […]