The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

Ferguson Is Burning

After a half-hearted attempt at garnering an indictment of Ferguson officer Darren Wilson. Ferguson’s law enforcement apparatus ended their facade of due process yesterday. Several days beforehand, Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency in Missouri, no doubt having gathered that the state’s judicial system had no intention of punishing one of its own. And, so Wilson’s indictment was dropped, as the city prepared for more pressing matters — the inevitable protests, riots and carnage that was to follow.

And we’re now living within the aftermath. As the Nation article above notes, “Monopoly on the legitimate use of violence is what defines modern government.” Violence is only legitimate when it goes down the hierarchy. Whether that be in the form of “supporting counter-terrorism operations,” i.e. dropping missiles from drones on rural Yemeni villagers, or in the form of the abuse and ritualistic torture of the incarcerated. Violence against the state, even if only the inanimate, financial resources of the state, is met with harsh and brutalistic retribution.

The message, received loud and clear by those continuing the resistance in Ferguson is — you don’t matter. Your lives don’t matter. Your property is forfeit. Your rights are non-existent.

And so the violent protesters have no compunction about lashing out. They have no reservations about destroying property. Why should they? If this society isn’t ultimately for them, if it wasn’t designed with them in mind and happily operates without their participation, why should they suffer its brutality quietly?

Images via DailyMailUK