The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

How to Scare the Bejesus Out of the American Voter

This ad was run a few weeks ago by a non-profit called Citizens Against Government Waste.

This wonderfully ominous message seems like an awfully effective way to convince voters that reducing our national debt should be the number one priority, lest we all become rickshaw-dragging Chinese serfs.

That is, of course, unless the CAGW had some sort of agenda, other than eliminating ‘government waste.’

And a quick jaunt over to reveals just that sort of agenda. As it happens, the CAGW is little more than a front organization for Exxon, Philip Morris, and Merrill Lynch.

All of a sudden, this incredibly manipulative, xenophobic, distopian ad becomes a great deal more transparent. Obviously the ‘government waste’ that the CAGW opposes, is simply that money spent on regulating the abuses of major corporations. That is money they clearly don’t want us to be spending. Although, I’m sure any corporate subsidies and corporate welfare programs on the books won’t be considered ‘waste’ by the CAGW’s favored candidates.

Originally posted on the Daily Kos.