The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

McCarthy Had Nothing on This Era

Just another couple people thinking for themselves.

For 63 years, Goshen College has refrained from playing the national anthem before sporting events because the song prioritizes war and allegiance to country over peaceful devotion to God. Sixty-three years ending this year.

The reason? A conservative talk-show host raised the specter of un-Americanism in implication of the College’s actions, fueling a nasty campaign to change the school’s policy.

There seems to be something painfully ironic about people calling anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the regimented ways of paying allegiance an enemy of freedom.

Unlike in the ’50’s, though, no one really sees the irony. People just wonder how the College got away with not playing the anthem for so long. At least some people didn’t stand during the song.

We shouldn’t stand for it either.