The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

I Love Bananas

I do not love this. This is one of the creepier YouTube videos in recent memory. It reminds me of a French Surrealist spoof of The Fountain. In other words, this fellow could be the Avatar of Ehecatl, the Aztec God of Wind (and Bananas).

The lack of music, dialogue, and slow pacing of the thing really contributes to score a galactically high score on the absurdity scale. In my opinion, this video peaks when Banana Man fails to properly light one of his fuses, and impotently waves the lighter in front of his face, blindly hoping for yet another fizz and pop, followed by the splash of banana guts.

On the weirdness scale, I think this may even have trumped ‘Dancing Man in a Horse Mask Cooking Mushrooms…”

To be perfectly honest, Exploding Banana Head Man does incrementally reduce my affinity for the internets. It just don’t sit right, I tells ya.