The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

The New Face of Corporatism

A fantastic Huffington Post rant by Miles Mogulescu perfectly enunciates the growing divide between Obama and the movement that brought him to power.

In his piece, Mogulescu, a progressive entertainment attorney, makes the case that Obama, once a historic symbol of reform and progressive values, has taken on a style of governance that is nearly identical to the centrist capitulatism of Bill Clinton.

Moreover, this conciliatory style of leadership is not merely a coalition building strategy of a charismatic diplomat. It is a guise, a means of engineering corporate cooperation by a group historically supportive of consumer protections, trust busting, and union empowerment.

In the words of Mogulescu,

“Democrats are about to pass a bill that uses the coercive power of the federal government to force every American — simply by virtue of being an American — to purchase the products of a private company. At heart, the Democrats’ solution to 48 million uninsured is to force the them to buy inadequate private insurance — with potentially high deductibles and co-pays and no price controls — or be fined by the federal government.

In effect, this represents an historic defeat for the type of liberalism represented by the New Deal and the Great Society and the ascendancy of a new type of corporatist liberalism.”

It’s a must read. I know that in saying this, I do not speak for all the Meppers, but while the Obama presidency represents an incremental improvement to the fatuous Bush years, it does not carry with it the means or even the desire to fundamentally change the nature of corrupt and decaying power structures that would rather profit off of the suffering of Americans than act in the common interest.