The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

CNBC Are Smart

In case you thought only CNN was capable of making headline mistakes…

This unassuming top article from CNBC’s front page may look like it has insight. Instead, it warns some “perspective” buyers about their potential confusion.

Among their confusions might be what they’re called in the first place. After all, these are actually “prospective buyers”. CNBC’s spellcheckers must be as diligent as its critics of big business and shady stock deals.

Extra points for preceding the phrase “as to whether” with such a blatant typo and for the subtle messaging of the real value of American homes. Because those are pennies in the picture. Not dollars or even quarters – pennies.

I’d say more, but I have to rush out to get some perspective on buying a house for five cents with an $8,000 tax rebate.