The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

Netherlands Faces Dangerous Criminal Shortage

Originally posted on the Fresh Scent.

Today’s object lesson on the consequences of having a rational national drug policy comes to you from the Netherlands.

The Dutch, well known for their allowance of casual drug use and incredibly low resulting addiction rate, have found that they no longer have enough criminals to keep their prisons at capacity.

The Dutch have announced a closing of eight prisons as well as a new initiative to import Belgian criminals to fill cell vacancies.

One wonders what domestic drug warriors will have to say about the Netherlands plummeting crime rate. This situation does seem to utterly eviscerate any arguments that drug use increases violence or criminal activity.

On the other hand, this news will almost certainly scare the bejesus out of the U.S. Prison Guard Labor Force, who will undoubtedly double their efforts to stifle any drug policy reform. After all, when your job is on the line, it’s hardly the time to think about gedoogbeleid.