The Mep Report | Debate Podcast

It’s an AIG-stravoganza!

UPDATE 3/28: Hi there. Welcome to our little podcast/blog project. Due to last night’s BoingBoinging, we seem to have a lot of new visitors. So after you read about our shot across the bow of AIG, you might wanna check out some of our other features, like one of our 100+ podcast episodes. Here’s a good sample to start with.

Anyway, thanks for visiting. Feel free to leave comments and feedback and let us know how we can improve the Emu. END UPDATE

Mep Headquarters is all abuzz with activity. By hook and by crook, fellow Mepper Storey and I have plumbed the depths of the internet and restored no less than five buried AIG commercials that can be found NOWHERE ELSE ON THE ENTIRE INTRAWEBS. I shit you not. You see, AIG has taken great pains to remove these incredibly embarrassing spots from the public eye. When you watch them, you will see why. Oh, the irony.

You can visit the TMR YouTube page for the rest.

But, not only that, Meppers. We have taken three of these videos and, shall we say…. updated them? We’ve made them a bit more relevant to the current status of the company. Watch, and enjoy:

Viva la Mep!

Update 3/25: This story was just picked up on ad insider website, Agency Spy.

And also on Urbzen.

Update #2: Just hit Gawker and BNet.

Update #3: Aaaand, we have been Boinged. Oh my dear lord. Basque in the Uber Pwning of AIG.

Maybe it’ll hit AIG corporate tomorrow. One can only hope.