You are currently browsing the archives for the chemical inducements category.

Missouri Stormtroopers Murder Puppies

Missouri police terrorize a family and murder their pets over a “small amount of marijuana.” Your tax dollars at work.

Coffee Saves Lives

Recent research shows that coffee addiction is more like our addiction to water or oxygen than our addiction to alcohol or tobacco.

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DEA Makes Major Seizure in Son’s Bedroom

This is about the level at which the DEA is a relevant entity.

Grand Theft Auto Steals Lifeforce

Terrific and heart-rending article written by a GTA4 addict who consciously decided to abandon his life of productivity to gain a greater understanding of both cocaine and Pixeltropolis, San Andreas.

For more on video game addiction, listen to this classic Mep debate on WoWs similarity to crack.

Bar Babies Bounced?

In a follow-up to TMR #116, it appears the issues of babies in bars is stirring some controversy, even in New York City.

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The Pageantry of Awkwardness

Compelling video of Canadian sports heroes holding their doobie torches aloft while they wait for something… anything to happen.

Want protection against colds? Just ask a 15th century thief, duh.

So, I totally want this story to be true.  Supposedly there was a group of 15th century thieves that survived the bubonic plague by rubbing a blend of essential oils on their temples before robbing the dead and dying.  So, is it true? Who can find the 1997 studies?

Special Sauce

Mark McGwire: Hall of Famer or Hall of Shamer? Let’s discuss…

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Deepak Chopra- LSD is for the Enlightened Only

Good Festivus Tidings to all and sundry. For those rare few seeking a spiritual awakening on this Ancient Pagan Equinox Festival (otherwise known as Jesus Day), here is a clip from your local endocrinologist/lecturer/Indian Peter Sellers, Deepak Choprah, who doesn’t want you to use recreational drugs unless you already have an innate perception of the nature of the world. Isn’t that like asking you to refrain from using a bowling ball until you record a perfect 300 game? I remain skeptical.

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Genius Star Trek Dubbing

There are no words. Abdomen and some dried fish!